Hardeman County
Tennessee State University Alumni


The Tennessee State University Hardeman County Alumni Chapter has worked diligently to recruit qualified students to Tennessee State University.

We support the University primarily by providing Scholarships to high school graduates, as well as providing assistance to enrolled students.


Hardeman County students who are interested in attending Tennessee State University can download the Scholarship application from our website or by contacting their high school Guidance Counselor.

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Chapter President Greetings


It is both a privilege and honor to serve as President of the Hardeman County Chapter of Tennessee State University National Alumni Association (TSUNAA). It is imperative that we inform and share with potential students the opportunities that are available to Tennessee State University graduates.

If we are to continue our successful track record of providing Scholarships to worthy students, we must continue to recruit the best and brightest students, increase Alumni giving, and involve Alumni and Friends of TSU in our efforts.

The Hardeman County Chapter has experienced significant growth and has the potential to remain a viable link in student recruitment and institutional financial support. In Hardeman County we will continue to THINK, WORK, AND SERVE.

In the land of golden sunshine.

Forever Blue,

Russell C. Shelton, President